Agathon Rwasa

Ce site web publie les atrocités des rebelles FNL du Burundi et mène une campagne pour traduire en justice le dirigeant des FNL, Agathon Rwasa. Nous essayons aussi de mettre à nue la question d'impunité en génerale. This website aims to highlight atrocities by the Burundian FNL rebels, and campaigns to see FNL leader Agathon Rwasa brought to justice. We also aim to highlight the issue of impunity worldwide.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

December 10th 2005: UN Burundi has nothing to say on international Human Rights Day

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the ONUB uniforms scandal

UN Burundi chief Carolyn McAskie: Nothing to say on Human Rights Day

On December 10th 2005, International Human Rights Day, the United Nations office in Burundi has absolutely nothing to say. Nothing to say about the ongoing killings of civilians, both Hutu and Tutsi, by Palipehutu-FNL. Nothing to say about the forcible recruitment of hundreds of child soldiers, some as young as nine, by Agathon Rwasa. Nothing to say about the apparent extrajudicial killings by government forces of Palipehutu-FNL "suspects". Nothing about the grotesque torture of FNL "suspects" in government prisons. Nothing to say about human rights. Nothing to say about the rule of law.

More than a month after several senior FNL combatants were captured wearing UN peacekeeping uniforms, the United Nations in Burundi still has nothing to say about that either. It's several weeks now since ONUB admitted that the uniforms belonged to them and claimed to have initiated an inquiry. We have seen no evidence that an inquiry is, in fact, taking place.

But we have seen clear evidence that the United Nations Mission to Burundi does not consider itself to be a publicly accountable organisation. Repeated requests for information about the progress of the alleged investigation into UN-FNL complicity have been ignored. It seems that the UN office in Burundi has nothing to say.

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