Agathon Rwasa

Ce site web publie les atrocités des rebelles FNL du Burundi et mène une campagne pour traduire en justice le dirigeant des FNL, Agathon Rwasa. Nous essayons aussi de mettre à nue la question d'impunité en génerale. This website aims to highlight atrocities by the Burundian FNL rebels, and campaigns to see FNL leader Agathon Rwasa brought to justice. We also aim to highlight the issue of impunity worldwide.

Monday, June 27, 2005

"The hybrid model for Burundi"

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International Justice Tribune - The hybrid model for Burundi

Burundi is to experiment transitional justice using a mixed model. On 20 June, the UN Security Council agreed to examine the recommendation made by Secretary General Kofi Annan to install a "dual mechanism to establish the facts and responsibilities" for the crimes committed in this small central-African country. Annan must now report back to the Security Council before 30 September on the cost and implications of setting up two complementary institutions - a truth commission and a special chamber within the national justice system. Each body would comprise five members, including two Burundians. The commission's investigations and hearings are expected to span the period from Independence in 1962 to the peace accords of August 2000. The special court would have the jurisdiction to try the main suspects of the most serious crimes, including the selective massacre of Hutu elites by the Tutsi army in 1972, and the mass murder of Tutsi civilians by armed Hutu groups at the end of 1993, which took place after the first elected Hutu president was assassinated by Tutsi soldiers.

See also: - Discussion: Que pensez-vous de la commision Vérité?
- "Amnesty" spectre looms as Burundi approves "Truth commission"
- 'Action Contre Genocide' questions UN Truth Commission Plans

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