Agathon Rwasa

Ce site web publie les atrocités des rebelles FNL du Burundi et mène une campagne pour traduire en justice le dirigeant des FNL, Agathon Rwasa. Nous essayons aussi de mettre à nue la question d'impunité en génerale. This website aims to highlight atrocities by the Burundian FNL rebels, and campaigns to see FNL leader Agathon Rwasa brought to justice. We also aim to highlight the issue of impunity worldwide.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Palipehutu-FNL admits responsibility for the Titanic Express attack

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the UN Burundi corruption scandal

The FNL's Sindayigaya faction, which split from Agathon Rwasa earlier this year, has issued a statement admitting that the group carried out the December 28th 2000 Titanic Express attack.

"The descent into hell of Agathon Rwasa began with the murder of Charlotte Wilson, of English nationality. She was travelling on board the TITANIC which fell into an ambush. The Etat-Major of the FNL met and asked Rwasa de give an apology to the British community. He refused and put to death the officers who came to make this proposal."

Responding to the statement, Charlotte Wilson's brother, Richard Wilson said:

"As one family among twenty-one who lost a loved one in the Titanic Express massacre, we welcome this admission of FNL responsibility. But Rwasa's 'descent into hell' began the very first time he ordered the killing of unarmed civilians. The Titanic Express massacre was one of hundreds of FNL attacks in which innocent people were killed, and Charlotte would have been the first to point out that hers was only one of twenty-one innocent lives stolen by the FNL on December 28th 2000. An English life is worth no more than the life of a Burundian, Rwandan or Congolese person.

We want justice not only for Charlotte, but for her fiancé Richard Ndereyimana, together with Arthur Kabunda, Julien Ndenga, Titi Mbeyinzima, Innocent Mukila and all those who died with them. We want justice for every Hutu, Tutsi and Twa person murdered by the FNL, for the 152 victims of Gatumba and for the hundreds of child soldiers sent to their deaths as cannon fodder by Agathon Rwasa. Rwasa owes an apology not just to us, but to the families of all his victims."

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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December 28th 2005: Fifth anniversary of the Titanic Express massacre

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the UN Burundi corruption scandal
click here to email UN Burundi spokesman Penangnini Toure and ask him about the progress of the corruption investigation allegedly under way


Il y a 5 ans jour pour jour, le groupe terroriste PALIPEHUTU lançait une attaque contre un bus de transport civil reliant Bujumbura et Kigali. C'était à Mageyo, dans la province de Bujumbura Rural. Les terroristes du PALIPEHUTU ont séparé les passagers, tuant un à un tous ceux qui n'étaient pas hutu. En plus des victimes burundaises, l'attaque a emporté des étrangers notamment des citoyens du Canada, de la Grande Bretagne, de la RDC et du Rwanda. Au total, 21 personnes, dont 4 enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans, ont été sauvagement assassinées.

Cinq ans après ce massacre, aucune arrestation n'a jamais été opérée ; aucune enquête n'a été ordonnée, aucun rapport n'a été publié sur ce massacre. Cependant, dès le lendemain de l'attaque, gouvernement du Burundi avait promis de tout mettre en œuvre pour que les auteurs de cette barbarie soient punis. La promesse d'une enquête a même été reitérée par le Président de la République du Burundi ; la 1ère fois par Pierre Buyoya au Secrétaire britannique chargé de la Coopération Internationale, Jack Straw, lors de sa visite à Bujumbura le 22 janvier 2002, et la deuxième fois par Domitien Ndayizeye lors de sa visite à Londres en juillet 2003.

En dépit de cette promesse la Grande Bretagne, pas plus que le Canada ou les autres pays dont des citoyens ont été massacrés dans l'attaque, n'a plus rien exigé du Burundi. Au contraire, le PALIPEHUTU a été érigé en acteur politique normal et s'est vu prié de venir négocier sa place au gouvernement et dans les autres institutions étatiques, y compris après sa récidive d'août 2004 lorsque le PALIPEHUTU a massacré plus de 160 réfugiés congolais à Gatumba pour la simple raison qu'ils étaient des tutsi-banyamulenge.

Face à ce constat, l'antenne de Toronto de l'AC GENOCIDE

1. présente ses condoléances aux familles qui ont perdu les leurs dans l'attaque du bus TITANIC EXPRESS

2. condamne le groupe terroriste PALIPEHUTU-FNL qui a perpétré cette attaque contre un objectif civil et tué de sang froid des innocents à cause de leur appartenance ethnique

3. condamne le gouvernement du Burundi qui n'a jamais honoré ses promesses d'enquête et de jugement des criminels responsables de cette attaque

4. invite les pays ayant perdu leurs citoyens dans cette attaque terroriste à exiger que justice leur soit faite et que les criminels du PALIPEHUTU et des autres groupes terroristes qui lui son affiliés soient bannis conformément aux prescrit du droit international

5. demande au gouvernement canadien de faire suite à la lettre A01386-2003 du Ministre des affaires étrangères et du Commerce International par laquelle il s'engageait à obtenir du Burundi un rapport de l'enquête sur l'attaque ayant coûté la vie à Arthur Kabunda, citoyen canadien.

6. demande au gouvernement britannique d'exercer toute forme de pression nécessaire sur le gouvernement burundais pour qu'il tienne ses engagements relatifs à l'enquête et au jugement des auteurs de l'attaque du TITANIC EXPRESS.

7. invite toutes les personnes opposées à la violence à conjuguer leurs efforts pour juguler à jamais le terrorisme et le génocide pratiqué par le PALIPEHUTU, en exigeant de leurs mandataires que le droit soit appliqué à ce groupe terroriste et à ses alliés.

Fait à Toronto, le 28 décembre 2005.

Pour l'antenne de Toronto de l'AC GENOCIDE Canada,
Jean-Claude Katihabwa



Pour ceux qui habitent au Canada, pour contacter votre sénateur:


Pour ceux qui habitent en Grande Bretagne, to contact your Member of Parliament:

Pour ceux qui habitent en Belgique - pour contacter votre sénateur:

Pour ceux qui habitent en France - pour contacter votre sénateur:

Pour ceux qui habitent aux Pays Bas (Nederlanden):

Pour ceux qui habitent au Danemark:

Pour ceux qui habitent aux Etats Unis, to contact your Senator:


Subject: A01386-2003 En réponse à votre courriel du 28 décembre 2002
Sent: March 18, 2003 8:55:08 AM

Monsieur Gabriel Hakizimana et Madame Claire Nizigiyimana
AC-Génocide Canada

Monsieur, Madame,

Le Premier Ministre m'a transmis votre courriel du 28 décembre 2002 au sujetde l'attaque meurtrière contre les passagers d'un autobus à Mageyo, au Burundi, le 28 décembre 2000. Je vous prie d'excuser ce retard à vous répondre.

Le Canada était au courant de cette attaque contre un autobus assurant laliaison Kigali-Bujumbura. Nous condamnons de tels actes de violence qui,malheureusement, se produisent encore quotidiennement au Burundi. Nousavons exprimé nos condoléances aux proches du jeune Canadien de vingt ansmort dans l'embuscade, M. Arthur Kabunda, et avons demandé aux autoritésburundaises d'enquêter sur les circonstances de cette attaque et de nous encommuniquer les résultats.

L'insécurité persistante et l'absence d'un cessez-le-feu continuent depréoccuper grandement le Canada. Depuis la signature des Accords d'Arushaen août 2000, la violence contre la population civile s'est accentuée.

Je peux vous assurer que le Canada continue de surveiller de près lasituation au Burundi et vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l'expressionde mes sentiments les meilleurs.

Bill Graham

une fois sur le lien suivant, trouver le point « 1510 »

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Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

As the fifth anniversary approaches, seven hundred and twenty-nine voices demand justice over the Titanic Express massacre

Click here to add your name to those urging justice over the Titanic Express massacre

On December 28th 2000, twenty-one unarmed civilians, including Arthur Kabunda, Ibrahim Mugabo, Judith Nduwayo, Laetitia Mbyeyinzima, Charlotte Wilson and Richard Ndereyimana were massacred after their bus, bearing the absurd and ill-fated name "Titanic Express", was ambushed at Mageyo, close to the Burundian capital Bujumbura. The attackers opened fire on the bus and then forced the passengers out, robbed them, and separated them according to their ethnicity. A number of Hutus and Congolese were released unharmed, then the remaining passengers were made to lie face down on the ground and were shot. Most of the victims were Rwandan and Burundian Tutsis.

There were a number of survivors. Some report that the attackers specifically identified themselves, saying "We are the FNL, not your FDD" (FDD was the FNL's largest rival at the time). In 2002, a document emerged which appears to be a detailed report by the FNL, signed by Commandant Albert Sibomana, of the Titanic Express attack, listing what was looted from the bus, how many people were killed and how many bullets were expended in killing them. Dozens of smaller attacks were listed in the same report.

At the time of the Titanic Express attack, Agathon Rwasa was FNL "Chief of Operations" around Bujumbura. He now leads the entire organisation. His successor in the role of Bujumbura Chief of Operations, Aloys Nzabampema, was recently apprehended by he Burundian authorities.

729 people have so far signed our petition urging that the Burundian government take steps to bring the perpetrators of ALL such attacks, including the Titanic Express massacre, to justice - more than thirty people for each of the twenty-one who died on December 28th 2000.

Here are some of the comments that have so far been made:

Luc Robichaud: "Justice for Arthur Kabunda"

Niyonzima: "Justice is the only path to peace!"

Owen Beith: "Justice delayed is justice betrayed"

Martin Baragengana: "I dream of one day seeing the people who have killed, all the criminals, brought to justice. Is it possible to see this day? Yes or perhaps I am at least allowed to dream".

M. Hugano wa Maconco: "A crime is a crime no matter who commits it. Therefore, all criminals must be punished starting from the killers of our last Micombero, post-mortem). Only and only when justice is equal for all, reconciliation could be possible."

Jean-Luc Miller: "I firmly condemn les FNL that they even kills theirs like they recently did. Rwasa Agathon deserves ta good justice. I idially supported them before, but now, no. I am just feeling the same way like Alexis Kanyarengwe as he joined the RPF; Mr. Agathon Rwasa is not fighting for a Hutu cause, but satisfying his own cruelity matters."

Monia Umuhoza: "In loving memory of my cousin and dear friend!!"

Alain D. Kamenyero: "'You can't just wish away generations of ethnic rivalry. Nor can you ignore the moral ambiguities which still fester in every village'. Time cannot heal all wounds, but JUSTICE can."

Simon Gahutu: "I wish to condemn all acts of genocide, terrorism and mass killings, starting by the assasination of our independence Hero PRINCE LOUIS RWAGASORE, the mass killings that followed in the years 1965, 1969, 1972, 1988 etc... Suspects of those horrible massacres are known. Those who assassinated H.E NDADAYE MELCHIOR, CYPRIEN NTARYAMIRA and thousands of innocent Burundians are also known. My request is that whoever, no matter what´s his nationality, race, tribe or social position, suspected of colaborating in a way or another in those evil actions, be pursued and punished according to the law. I call upon the International Comunity, especially the occidental powers to stop distributing fire arms in our countries. I request them to stop dividing our people. I want to remind them that they can really help stop that hell that they ocasionned in our respective countries. If they are capable of getting Saddam, telling us that they can´t get killers in our countries sounds funny! Unless they are with them...God bless"

Pamela Kaneza: "In loving memory of a dear friend : Arthur Kabunda"

Annick Kaneza: "In loving memory of my brother Arthur Kabunda"

Espérance Ndenga: "In loving memory of my brother Julien NDENGA"

D'amour Sharangabo: "My relative (Jules Ndengabaganizi) was among those who were killed in cold blood"

Desiré Katihabwa: "It is high time that Burundians rise up and say "NO" to any Political regime or ideology that would divise our Nation. We have had enough of lies and hypocrisy from different political Leaders, it is our duty to ensure that we stand for generation to come and build our country."

Click here to add your name to those urging justice over the Titanic Express massacre

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Friday, December 23, 2005

UN cover-up over corrupt links between its Burundi staff and Hutu-extremist war criminals

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the UN Burundi corruption scandal
Click here to email UN Burundi spokesman Penangnini Toure and ask him about the progress of the corruption investigation allegedly under way
The United Nations office in Burundi (ONUB), under the management of Carolyn MacAskie, admitted last month that the peacekeeping uniforms found in the possession of FNL War Crimes suspect Aloys Nzabampema belonged to them. Nzabampema later stated that he had obtained them from a Burundian employee of the South African peacekeeping contingent. It would appear that the FNL had been using the uniforms as disguises, during their ongoing campaign of civilian killings.

ONUB spokesman Penangnini Touré claimed that his office was carrying out an investigation into the corruption scandal. It now appears that Penangnini Touré's claim was a fraudulent one. There is no evidence whatsoever that any kind of investigation has taken place. ONUB has made no further statement on the issue since mid-November, when it "severely warned" the Burundian media against accusing it of complicity with the FNL, and have failed to respond to all requests for information about their alleged investigation. It appears that they are hoping that Burundians, and the wider international community will allow them quietly to forget this latest scandal. Click here to email UN Burundi spokesman Penangnini Toure and ask him what evidence he can provide to substaniate his assertion that the United Nations is investigating the corrupt links between UN staff and Palipehutu-FNL?

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Incentivising War Crimes, Part II - A Burundian asks: Can we still trust the UN?

*Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the UN Burundi corruption scandal
*Click here to email UN Burundi spokesman Penangnini Toure and ask him about the progress of the corruption investigation allegedly under way

"NERON" says:

In the preamble of its Charter, the United Nations Organization pledges to establish conditions under which justice and international law can be maintained.

In the case of Burundi, however, this provision seems to have been constantly ignored:
- More than once, the UN has ascertained punishable crimes in Burundi, and even identified the perpetrators, without setting their trial: for years, the UN has had detailed reports by Amnesty International; Human Rights Watch, and others; all describing in detail the horrendous crimes by FRODEBU, FNL- PALIPEHUTU, and today’s ruling group CNDD-FDD
- More than once, members of the UN personnel, or workers of other international organizations operating under the umbrella of the UN, have been attacked and even killed in Burundi;

What was the response?

The UN issued statement after statement, in which they were very preoccupied by what was going on, expressing deep concern, promising to follow closely the developments, etc, etc. Sometimes, the UN ordered full investigation, asked for full explanation, and required full cooperation,

In short, nothing worth of this great international body came out of them, even when the number one of the UN himself, Secretary General Kofi Annan declares, "Let us insist that the killers be brought to justice (October 14, 1999, following the murder of two UN workers in Burundi).

The few reports that were produced never saw their recommendations implemented. Rather, the UN chose to shelve the very reports whose findings are susceptible of bringing to court the perpetrators of genocide and other mass crimes against humanity.

With the UN hiding from public sight some incriminating reports (for instance, S/1996/682), more and more people are questioning the real purpose of some recommendations of the report of the UN inquiry mission in the Gatumba massacre ( ): as paragraph 109 recommends that “Governments and opinion leaders in the region should be called upon to exercise restraint in their declarations,” officially in order to accord respect to the victims), is this not another form of preventing criminals from being publicly unmasked?

Let the UN stop the contradictory discourse and practices; or else the world will keep losing faith in the UN, which is gradually becoming synonymous with incompetence and hypocrisy.


Ed - In 1999, aid workers Saskia Von Meijenfeldt of the World Food Programme and Luis Zuniga of UNICEF were shot dead in Burundi by combatants of CNDD-FDD. This was one of the many attacks for which the UN promised to pursue justice, but never did.

See also: Why, asks Elias Habte Selassie - Saskia von Meijenfeldt's husband - was the Burundi mission only agreed a day before? Why was there so little consultation and planning? And why, in a subsequent investigation, did the UN not even visit the site?

"The Security Council should define how future peacekeeping operations will protect humanitarian workers as well as civilians," says Catherine Bertini, head of the World Food Programme. "And the international community must be mobilised to punish those responsible for crimes"

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

As the fifth anniversary approaches, seven hundred and twenty nine voices demand justice over the Titanic Express massacre

Click here to add your name to those urging justice over the Titanic Express massacre

On December 28th 2000, twenty-one unarmed civilians, including Arthur Kabunda, Ibrahim Mugabo, Judith Nduwayo, Laetitia Mbyeyinzima, Charlotte Wilson and Richard Ndereyimana were massacred after their bus, bearing the absurd and ill-fated name "Titanic Express", was ambushed at Mageyo, close to the Burundian capital Bujumbura. The attackers opened fire on the bus and then forced the passengers out, robbed them, and separated them according to their ethnicity. A number of Hutus and Congolese were released unharmed, then the remaining passengers were made to lie face down on the ground and were shot. Most of the victims were Rwandan and Burundian Tutsis.

There were a number of survivors. Some report that the attackers specifically identified themselves, saying "We are the FNL, not your FDD" (FDD was the FNL's largest rival at the time). In 2002, a document emerged which appears to be a detailed report by the FNL, signed by Commandant Albert Sibomana, of the Titanic Express attack, listing what was looted from the bus, how many people were killed and how many bullets were expended in killing them. Dozens of smaller attacks were listed in the same report.

At the time of the Titanic Express attack, Agathon Rwasa was FNL "Chief of Operations" around Bujumbura. He now leads the entire organisation. His successor in the role of Bujumbura Chief of Operations, Aloys Nzabampema, was recently apprehended by he Burundian authorities.

729 people have so far signed our petition urging that the Burundian government take steps to bring the perpetrators of ALL such attacks, including the Titanic Express massacre, to justice - more than thirty people for each of the twenty-one who died on December 28th 2000.

Here are some of the comments that have so far been made:

Luc Robichaud: "Justice for Arthur Kabunda"

Niyonzima: "Justice is the only path to peace!"

Owen Beith: "Justice delayed is justice betrayed"

Martin Baragengana: "I dream of one day seeing the people who have killed, all the criminals, brought to justice. Is it possible to see this day? Yes or perhaps I am at least allowed to dream".

M. Hugano wa Maconco: "A crime is a crime no matter who commits it. Therefore, all criminals must be punished starting from the killers of our last Micombero, post-mortem). Only and only when justice is equal for all, reconciliation could be possible."

Jean-Luc Miller: "I firmly condemn les FNL that they even kills theirs like they recently did. Rwasa Agathon deserves ta good justice. I idially supported them before, but now, no. I am just feeling the same way like Alexis Kanyarengwe as he joined the RPF; Mr. Agathon Rwasa is not fighting for a Hutu cause, but satisfying his own cruelity matters."

Monia Umuhoza: "In loving memory of my cousin and dear friend!!"

Alain D. Kamenyero: "'You can't just wish away generations of ethnic rivalry. Nor can you ignore the moral ambiguities which still fester in every village'. Time cannot heal all wounds, but JUSTICE can."

Simon Gahutu: "I wish to condemn all acts of genocide, terrorism and mass killings, starting by the assasination of our independence Hero PRINCE LOUIS RWAGASORE, the mass killings that followed in the years 1965, 1969, 1972, 1988 etc... Suspects of those horrible massacres are known. Those who assassinated H.E NDADAYE MELCHIOR, CYPRIEN NTARYAMIRA and thousands of innocent Burundians are also known. My request is that whoever, no matter what´s his nationality, race, tribe or social position, suspected of colaborating in a way or another in those evil actions, be pursued and punished according to the law. I call upon the International Comunity, especially the occidental powers to stop distributing fire arms in our countries. I request them to stop dividing our people. I want to remind them that they can really help stop that hell that they ocasionned in our respective countries. If they are capable of getting Saddam, telling us that they can´t get killers in our countries sounds funny! Unless they are with them...God bless"

Pamela Kaneza: "In loving memory of a dear friend : Arthur Kabunda"

Annick Kaneza: "In loving memory of my brother Arthur Kabunda"

Espérance Ndenga: "In loving memory of my brother Julien NDENGA"

D'amour Sharangabo: "My relative (Jules Ndengabaganizi) was among those who were killed in cold blood"

Desiré Katihabwa: "It is high time that Burundians rise up and say "NO" to any Political regime or ideology that would divise our Nation. We have had enough of lies and hypocrisy from different political Leaders, it is our duty to ensure that we stand for generation to come and build our country."

Click here to add your name to those urging justice over the Titanic Express massacre

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Justice for FNL atrocities

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the ONUB uniforms scandal

Click here for a detailed roster of FNL atrocities

Q: Isn't it wrong to focus so much attention on the FNL when so little attention has been given to the abuses committed in Burundi by other groups?

A: No. CPAR acknowledges that many groups in Burundi have committed terrible atrocities. Such crimes as the 1997 Buta massacre by CNDD-FDD (40 dead) and the 2002 Itaba massacre (173 dead) by the former Forces Armées Burundaises must be investigated with equal vigour. But these atrocities do not negate or excuse FNL crimes, and while it is wrong that CNDD-FDD and ex-FAB attacks have been given so little attention by the Burundian government and the ever-reticent United Nations, that is not a reason for us to remain silent. CPAR expresses solidarity with all those who have lost loved ones in Burundi's conflict. But we would urge the victims of CNDD-FDD and the ex-FAB not to attack those who condemn abuses by the FNL, but rather to use their energy to redress the balance by speaking out about CNDD-FDD and ex-FAB crimes themselves. We are always happy to host comments on this website about other issues relating to Burundi, including the vital matter of justice for all atrocities.

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Lend your voice to those struggling for freedom in Zimbabwe!

Sokwanele - Zvakwana is a peoples' movement, embracing supporters of all pro-democratic political parties, civic organizations and institutions in Zimbabwe. Sokwanele and Zvakwana both mean 'enough is enough' in the vernacular.

Click here to find out how you can support Sokwanele's campaign for freedom and justice in Zimbabwe

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

December 10th 2005: UN Burundi has nothing to say on international Human Rights Day

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the ONUB uniforms scandal

UN Burundi chief Carolyn McAskie: Nothing to say on Human Rights Day

On December 10th 2005, International Human Rights Day, the United Nations office in Burundi has absolutely nothing to say. Nothing to say about the ongoing killings of civilians, both Hutu and Tutsi, by Palipehutu-FNL. Nothing to say about the forcible recruitment of hundreds of child soldiers, some as young as nine, by Agathon Rwasa. Nothing to say about the apparent extrajudicial killings by government forces of Palipehutu-FNL "suspects". Nothing about the grotesque torture of FNL "suspects" in government prisons. Nothing to say about human rights. Nothing to say about the rule of law.

More than a month after several senior FNL combatants were captured wearing UN peacekeeping uniforms, the United Nations in Burundi still has nothing to say about that either. It's several weeks now since ONUB admitted that the uniforms belonged to them and claimed to have initiated an inquiry. We have seen no evidence that an inquiry is, in fact, taking place.

But we have seen clear evidence that the United Nations Mission to Burundi does not consider itself to be a publicly accountable organisation. Repeated requests for information about the progress of the alleged investigation into UN-FNL complicity have been ignored. It seems that the UN office in Burundi has nothing to say.

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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A warning from history? How "Dutch prestige" helped incentivise war crimes in Bosnia

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the ONUB uniforms scandal


In 1993 a combination of humanitarian motivation and political ambitions led the Dutch government, on its own initiative and without prior conditions, to make an Air Battalion available for the UNPROFOR mission in Bosnia. The Netherlands could use this to show its worth, and Dutch prestige would be enhanced in the world. This took place amid wide political and media support and without a proper analysis of the far-reaching consequences beforehand. These were among the factors which led to the Netherlands being destined for Srebrenica, which had been turned down by other countries with arguments to back up their refusal...

The decision to become one of the main suppliers of troops for a peace mission moved many at the time. Dutch politics were dominated by the call to intervene on moral grounds. This humanitarian motivation, coupled with the ambition to improve Dutch credibility and prestige in the world, led the Netherlands to offer to dispatch the Air Brigade. By playing down the possible risks of the behaviour of the warring parties so much, a large circle of those involved in this policy, and in particular its advocates, took on a large responsibility for it...

The preparation and training were sufficient, generally speaking, for the military aspect, but were inadequate as regards the provision of information and insight into the situation of the population, its cultural background and experiences during the civil war. This meant that stereotypes and prejudices could already take hold during the training. All this did little to ease the relation between Dutchbat and the population. There were relatively frequent contacts during Dutchbat I, but they gradually grew less. That contributed to an introverted mentality and a reinforcement of negatively coloured stereotypes. Dutchbat was often negative about the population in the enclave...

With hindsight there are no indications that the increased activity of the VRS [Bosnian Serb army] in East Bosnia at the beginning of July 1995 was aimed at anything more than a reduction of the safe area Srebrenica and an interception of the main road to Zepa. The plan of campaign was drawn up on 2 July. The attack commenced on 6 July. It was so successful and so little resistance was offered that it was decided late in the evening of 9 July to press on and to see whether it was possible to take over the entire enclave...

The attack on the enclave, and in particular its complete collapse, came as a total surprise to Dutchbat and to all of the other parties involved. This can be explained from the lateness of the decision of the Bosnian Serbs to attack and eventually take over the whole enclave, but it was also due to the weak intelligence position of the UN and the lack of sufficient capacities and the right resources to collect and analyse intelligence. The fall of Srebrenica was thereby partly a failure of military intelligence. The Netherlands also played a part in this. The Cabinet, the Ministry of Defence and the Dutch Parliament adopted an anti-intelligence attitude...

The tragic nadir of the fall of Srebrenica was the mass killing of thousands of Muslim men by Bosnian Serbian units...

The commander of the Dutch army, general Couzy, suggested on the basis of Dutchbat reports that it was not as bad as some made out. He barely countenanced the possibility, and certainly any (indirect) complicity by Dutchbat, from uncertainty about what had actually gone on in the enclave and from a desire to protect the image of the battalion and the army. Yet on the basis of everything that he had so vaguely and incompletely learned, he could have also concluded that that was precisely a reason for alertness and further investigation....

The mass killing had a strong shock effect in UN and NATO and contributed to a U-turn in US policy. In July 1995 a line was drawn at the menace to Gorazde, where British troops were stationed. The UN's lack of flexibility because of the need to maintain impartiality diminished and there was an increased readiness to deploy the air force. The military were given wider powers to deploy it, and the 'smoking gun' condition was dropped. The shelling of the Markale market in Sarajevo in August 1995 triggered tough air strikes by the UN and NATO against the Bosnian Serbian air defence. That united action - "Deliberate Force" - led to Dayton November 1995, where the reluctant parties were nevertheless forced to sign an agreement. The Netherlands played no role at all at this stage. It was even banned from the conference table.

Agnes Van Ardenne - taking the spirit of Dutchbat '93 to Burundi in 2005?

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

They'll be coming for you soon, Agathon...

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the ONUB uniforms scandal

Another war criminal cornered and caged. Will Agathon be next?

In Burundi, the United Nations illegally supplies war criminals with UN disguises. In Europe, it hunts them down and prosecutes them. Time for Carolyn MacAskie to take a few lessons from her colleague Carla del Ponte?

From BBC News

A Croatian general charged with war crimes has been held in Spain, the UN's chief war crimes prosecutor has said.

Ante Gotovina - the third most-wanted suspect from the 1990s Balkan wars - was arrested on Wednesday night in the Canary Islands, said Carla Del Ponte.

Gen Gotovina, 50, is accused over the death of about 150 Serb civilians during a Croatian offensive in 1995.

The Croatian government's failure to arrest him had hampered the country's entry talks with the European Union.

Ms Del Ponte said she hoped efforts would now be stepped up to arrest the top two men on the tribunal's most-wanted list.

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military commander Ratko Mladic remain at large.

Stabbed, shot, burned

Ms Del Ponte announced Gen Gotovina's arrest during a visit in the Serbian capital, Belgrade.

She said the retired general was due to be transferred to The Hague.

He was held in a hotel in the Tenerife resort of Playa de las Americas after being followed for several days, the Spanish news agency Efe reported.

The retired general was said to be in possession of a false Croatian passport with an assumed name, said Efe quoting the Spanish interior ministry.

He was indicted for crimes against humanity by the war crimes tribunal in 2001.

He is alleged to have failed to prevent the murder of 150 Serbs killed by shooting, stabbing or burning during Operation Storm, the August 1995 push against Serb forces in Croatia's Krajina region.

The indictment also accuses him of co-ordinating a campaign of plunder and looting throughout operations in ethnically Serb areas of the region.

'Good news'

Throughout the tribunal's efforts to track him down, Gen Gotovina, has maintained support from a wide section of the Croatian public, some of whom regard him as a national hero.

Until recently, posters with his picture captioned "hero, not criminal" had been sighted around Croatia.

He was sent into early retirement in 2000 when Croatia promised to investigate allegations of war crimes among its military during the 1990s.

Croatia had claimed that he subsequently fled the country. He vowed never to turn himself in.

Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said he had been notified of Gen Gotovina's capture by Ms Del Ponte on Thursday morning.

"I would like to say that those who believed us when we said that Gotovina was not in Croatia have today received the final and complete confirmation," he said.

In Brussels, Nato Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer described the arrest of Gen Gotovina as "good news for the world, for bringing people to justice who are not yet convicted but are accused of very serious crimes".

Serbian President Boris Tadic congratulated Croatia on Gotovina's arrest.

"We have to solve the problems of Ratko Mladic and the others," he said. "But we have to do that in all the countries in the region."

But Belgrade reiterated that it had no knowledge of the whereabouts of the two Serb fugitives.

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Incentivising war crimes in Burundi:
Agnes Van Ardenne, Holland's
"legendary" historical negationist.

Click here to support the call for a war crimes trial for Aloys Nzabampema and independent investigation into the ONUB uniforms scandal

Dutch Minister for Development Co-operation, the "legendary" Agnes van Ardenne

"What they did now is totally different from all the attacks in the past. In Gatumba women, children, babies were murdered in a most cruel way, with machetes, guns, and some were burnt alive. They didn't do that before. They attacked the Burundian armed forces until now, and are still doing, but they don't attack vulnerable people - women, children etc., so it's totally new." - Agnes can Ardenne, August 2004, representing the European Union.

Click here to listen to Agnes van Ardenne denying that the FNL ever killed civilians before August 2004

Click here for a long list of FNL attacks against vulnerable people -"women, children etc." during 2000, 2001 and 2002

Gatumba was the end-result of the international community's failed policy towards the FNL. In January 2004, Agnes van Ardenne welcomed Agathon Rwasa to the Netherlands for high-profile "talks" with the Burundian government. The talks came to nothing, just as all others had. Rwasa had flown halfway across the world to tell Burundi's President Ndayizeye that he wouldn't negotiate with him because Nzayizeye was from the wrong ethnic group. But by getting the international community to treat him as a serious player, Rwasa was enhancing his credibility at home, and his hold over his own forces. This was a significant "win" for him, even though he never had any intention of actually negotiating. And he knew that he was being taken seriously only because of his ability to disrupt peace in Burundi - eg. to kill civilians.

Throughout 2004, the UN repeatedly set deadlines for the FNL to begin negotiations, threatening sanctions that were then never applied, and turning a blind eye to the FNL killings that were ongoing. The Dutch government was one of the cheerleaders for this policy. The FNL was led to believe that they had nothing to lose by killing civilians, and inasmuch as their credibility was based on their capacity to disrupt the peace, everything to gain. The more they killed, the more concessions they would be offered.

The massive attack at Gatumba was the FNL's attempt to "maximise rewards". After Gatumba, the FNL bragged that they had no fear of being held to account because they had become "untouchable". Agnes Van Ardenne was one of the people who had helped to make the FNL "untouchable" in 2004. Perhaps the knowledge of this fact, and the implications it had for her own position, played a role in her decision to pretend that until August 2004 she did not know how vicious and murderous the FNL really were. Sadly, Agnes van Ardenne still does not seem to have learned her lesson.

There's a word for people who try to erase the truth about war crimes and crimes against humanity, whether they do it to cover their own backs or to protect the perpetrators. Such people are not fit to represent the European Union.

Agnes van Ardenne, who describes the FNL leader as "the legendary Agathon Rwasa", has never retracted her August 2004 comments, or explained them. She continues to lobby the Burundian government to offer yet more concessions to Agathon Rwasa's FNL. She's out of her depth, she's incompetent, and it's time for her to stop.

Why Agathon Rwasa?

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Arrogant and unaccountable? A month on, still no apology or explanation for the FNL corruption scandal from the UN Burundi office.

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UN Burundi chief Carolyn McAskie - Investigating the allegations or playing for time?

The spokesman of the ONUB in Burundi, Pegnamini Touré, recognizes that there were combatants of the Fnl movement who were caught with military uniforms of the ONUB. However he added that it does not prove that ONUB collaborates with the Palipehutu - Fnl Movement. Some UN soldiers may have given them to the Fnl and investigations are being carried out to find out who they are. While waiting, he severely warns any person who would affirm that the ONUB collaborates with Palipehutu - Fnl. - Burundian human rights organisation, Ligue Iteka

Is there really an investigation going on, or is this a timewasting tactic, designed to silence criticism until the matter fades from public view? The United Nations also claimed to be investigating the August 13th 2004 Gatumba massacre, in which 153 innocent people died - but in May 2005 we were told that it was a "wait and see situation".

If we can't trust the UN to investigate a bloody massacre, how can we trust them to investigate corruption within their own office? It should come as no surprise that the UN has said nothing further on this scandal since "severely warning" the independent Burundian media for having drawn the very obvious conclusion that some kind of UN-FNL complicity has been taking place. It appears that no apology for the lapse has ever been made. The ONUB office spokesman Penangnini Touré (Email) has failed to reply to emails asking for clarification. This does nothing to assuage the impression of an organisation deeply embarrassed but unwilling to admit that it is a publicly accountable body. It's starting to look like another "wait and see situation"...

United Nations staff are not above the law. Corruption and incompetence in the international community's dealings with Burundi's war criminals has killed enough people already.
Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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Friday, December 02, 2005

FNL preparing "massive attacks" for April 2006, in collaboration with Rwandan FDLR, claims leaked intelligence

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From Angola Press
Speaking after his return from Kigali, Nkurunziza spoke of the idea of s "common defence" system aimed at breaking the alleged alliance between the Burundian rebel National Liberation Front (FNL) and the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). These are the two Hutu armed groups still fighting the government in Bujumbura and Kigali.

According to intelligence reports leaked in Bujumbura early this month, the two rebel groups were preparing massive attacks against their countries of origin in April 2006.

Leaked intelligence reports should obviously be treated with caution - but if this report is true then it's another worrying sign that the FNL has no intention of ending its violence any time soon.

Take action - Fax your MP!
Take action - sign the Gatumba petition

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